Friday 4 December 2015

zam zam water dua and drinkig method

   Dua for Zam zam Holy water

     Dua in English Version and translation:

   Allah humma Inni Asaloka Ilman Nafi'un    Wa Rizq'un Wasi'un                  
   Wa Shifa'am Min Kulley Daa...
Translation:  O' Allah , I ask You to grant me a beneficial knowledge abundant sustanence and cure from all disease.

Zam zam drinking Method:

1. Take a water of ZAM zam in the glass.
2. Do your face to the Kaa'ba.
3. Read Bismillah (Thrice) three time.
4. Zam zam water drink in three draughts.
5. Read Dua'a of Zam zam water drinking which is mention above.It is the Sunnah of Holy Prophet         (PBUH).

Zam zam water is the beneficial of all person who have any disease , so drink water with the believe of Allah Insha Allah you are stable of any disease.
I f i have done any mistake then Allah forgive me Insha Allah(Ameen)
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